Cleveland Florist
Establishment and florist at 99 Bloomfield Street, Cleveland, QLD 4163, Australia. Here you will find detailed information about Cleveland Florist: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.
Contact Information
Establishment Florist
99 Bloomfield Street
QLD 4163
Get directions
+61 7 3286 4088
Reviews of Cleveland Florist
- Sarah Mc Added April 27, 2021★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆Really disappointed in the quality of flowers from this florist. As soon as they were taken out of the packaging, the flowers shed all of their leaves, and they then died the next day. Customer service was obviously not a priority, and products were extremely over-priced. The people running this store need to remember that flowers are bought as an experience or for comfort, and should do their best to ensure a quality product. Won’t be returning.
- Dorit Bloom Added April 21, 2021★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆Bad attitude flowers are always shabby. Rude to customers and her own staff. Dreadful!
- Tracey Collins Added April 11, 2021★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆This is the first review I have ever given that is not positive. Extremely abrupt. Quite off putting. Such a shame, as floral skills are great! I would like to suggest that ‘people skills and manners are important in such a role.
- J E L Added April 10, 2021★ ★ ★ ★ ★got some flowers delivered for my mum's birthday they arrived on time and looked great :)
- Leon Baker Added April 05, 2021★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆Not impressed!!! poor service, overpriced and flowers died the next day.
Questions & Answers
1. What is the phone number for Cleveland Florist
The phone number for Cleveland Florist is +61 7 3286 4088.2. Where is Cleveland Florist located?
Cleveland Florist is located at 99 Bloomfield Street Cleveland, QLD 4163.3. Is there a primary contact for Cleveland Florist
You can contact Cleveland Florist by phone using number +61 7 3286 4088.4. What is the web address (URL) for Cleveland Florist
The website for Cleveland Florist is .Share this page
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Today's weather in Cleveland QLD
13:00 25 ℃ 1021 hPa 64 % 6 m/s 16:00
25 ℃ 1021 hPa 65 % 5 m/s 19:00
23 ℃ 1020 hPa 73 % 5 m/s 22:00
23 ℃ 1021 hPa 78 % 5 m/s
Tomorrow's weather in Cleveland QLD
01:00 22 ℃ 1020 hPa 84 % 4 m/s 04:00
22 ℃ 1019 hPa 88 % 4 m/s 07:00
23 ℃ 1021 hPa 86 % 3 m/s 10:00
24 ℃ 1021 hPa 81 % 4 m/s 13:00
25 ℃ 1019 hPa 77 % 5 m/s 16:00
24 ℃ 1018 hPa 80 % 5 m/s 19:00
23 ℃ 1019 hPa 85 % 4 m/s 22:00
23 ℃ 1019 hPa 87 % 4 m/s